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What is Time to Talk Day?

Time to Talk for Small Business Owners

How to Get Involved



Time to Talk Day is a yearly event that seeks to raise awareness around mental health issues and the importance of having open and honest conversations about mental health. The day, which has been running since 2014, encourages people to take some time to talk about mental health, whether that be with family, friends, colleagues or even a professional.


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What is Time to Talk Day?

Time to Talk Day is run by mental health charities Mind and Rethink. The campaign now has a range of partners, including the NHS and the Co-op. It also collaborates with schools, universities, employers and media outlets to get more people talking about mental health.



Time to Talk for Small Business Owners

For small business owners, Time to Talk Day is an important reminder that mental health should be taken seriously and that it's ok to talk openly about it. It's all too common for small business owners to put their health and well-being at the bottom of their list of priorities, which can lead to mental health issues that can affect their ability to run their business.



How to Get Involved

There are many ways for small business owners to partake in Time to Talk Day to help raise awareness and start conversations about mental health. Here are a few tips:


• Create a mental health policy: Developing a policy on mental health in the workplace can help create an open and inclusive environment where employees feel comfortable talking about their mental health. 

• Have open conversations: Take some time to talk to your employees about mental health and encourage them to share their stories. This will help to break down any stigma and create an atmosphere of openness and understanding. 

• Provide support: Make sure you have appropriate mental health support in place for your employees. This could be in the form of an employee assistance programme or access to mental health professionals. 

• Promote self-care: Encourage your employees to take time out for themselves and practice self-care. This could be anything from taking a mental health day off work or simply taking time to do something they enjoy. 

• Offer flexible working: Flexible working can help employees to manage their work-life balance and reduce stress. Allowing employees to work from home or have flexible hours can be beneficial for their mental health.


Some of these things may feel superficial for those suffering from mental health problems. Still, by acknowledging it, supporting your employees and taking time for yourself, employers can create a safe environment where everyone feels comfortable talking about mental health. Furthermore, creating and maintaining such an open atmosphere will help reduce the stigma and encourage more people to seek professional help if needed. 




Mental health is complex, and not all employees need the same support or approach. Employers should take the time to learn about the different types of mental health challenges and make sure their policies are tailored to fit each employee's needs.

The official Time to Talk website has more ideas and resources on getting involved as an employer, which you can find here.

By participating in Time to Talk Day, small business owners can help to create an open and honest culture around mental health and help to ensure their employees feel supported and understood. This will help to create a better and healthier working environment, which in turn can help to improve productivity and overall business performance.



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